frisco young professionals

Frisco Young Professionals, the best networking group in North Dallas

Frisco is one of the fastest growing suburbs in the US and all growth comes with diversity and a need for people to connect and socialize. Frisco young professionals was one of the first networking groups Dr. Yee joined in 2015. She watched as the group grew, changed and improved. Leadership at Frisco young professionals changes every year and so the group gets a fresh perspective and new ideas with each year. Dr Yee found lifelong friendships and long-term business connections at FYP. Because she found such great connections, she always encourages new comers to attend an event or two. Dr. Yee interviewed leadership and long-term members to allow Frisco to know more about the networking group.

How has your outlook on Frisco changed since you joined FYP?

It was great being introduced to different waves of like-minded people. Because we all work in different industries it would have been difficult to meet outside this group.” -John Truong, social officer

“When starting your career in Frisco or North Dallas it’s extremely important to be connected early on. It’ s sure to open doors and opportunities. This networking group is a great representation of the economy in Frisco.”  -Melanie Nance, past Chair

frisco young professionals group

What was your favorite FYP sponsored event?

“Definitely the Ugly Christmas party in 2019. We had so many creative sweaters that year.” -Morgan Gill, current Chair

“Homecoming in 2019. We all got dressed up in long gowns and suits and had such an amazing turnout.” -Melanie Nance, past Chair


What is Frisco Young Professionals mission?

“We want to connect young professionals in Frisco to start networking and growing their business. You need to learn who is actively involved and how to actively get involved yourself, with the community.” -Morgan Gill, current Chair

How can FYP help small businesses during difficult times such as COVID and recession?

“FYP wants to give people an extensive database of caring, hardworking professionals you can lean on and ask advice.

So are you sold? And who wants to join our group? For upcoming events follow us on Facebook at

Can’t wait to see all the new faces and hear everyone’s story!

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